Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Finals are finished!!

* The Syrian pavillon at the global village

Its so good to be on break. No hassels, no worries at the moment. Im enjoying my time in Dubai before I head to the mother country, Syria.
Im a little ashamed at the fact that I haven't gone to Syria in 5 years. I use to go every summer and have a blast with my cousins. I guess its natural that you grow a little distant from them. People begin to be more concerened with their immediate family and the drama that comes with it. Its even more strange that im traveling alone. Im use to having my siblings as travel companions. My parents want me to get use to traveling to Syria alone, and to make it an annual visit. They pulled the guilt trip on me, saying "Would you go to Syria once we are dead?"
Of course I would go!!
Inshallah khair, Im sure Im going to have a blast. I even motivated my cousin who lives in the states to meet me in Sham (Damascus). The more, the merrier, right? haha.
By the way, the picture above was taken at the global village. I thought the Syrian Pavillon was pretty impressive. This is the first time so many vendors all over the global village asked me if I was an islamic convert. Thats it, I am now going to speak english with an accent. While in Iran, at the islamic art booth, the man tried cheating me because "I was a rich american convert".
oh well, inshallah the man will make use of all that money I gave him. It was pretty upsetting. Allah yahdey, andI hope he changes his point of view. Why would he cheat another muslim? Thats not very islamic behavior.


Blogger MJ said...

That picture is really nice!

The Iranian guy was talking about you as if you're not Muslim, like she's AMERICAN! I didn't hear him saying that though or would have enjoyed starting a fight.

We had fun at the village (even though there were some 'issues' haha), and it's good to be on break but I just feel like I want to go home and go one with life because there's so much I want to do.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Hot Lemon& Honey said...

Enjoy you trip to Syria.

6:53 PM  
Blogger BuJ said...

well well.. biz is back in business! ahlan wa sahlan.

6:56 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...


i know how you feel, but im enjoying the bumming phase. i may be pushing it to the extent, but i need it before i go to syria. there its all going to be rush, rush rush and then BAM back to uni.

hot L&h,

biz is all about business, and is back posting for a short period of time.
thanks for the warm welcoming.

6:28 PM  

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