Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My Country has been HIJACKED, and I want it back!!!

An election crept up on us and many people didnt know.

What is this election about, why its about The Congress of course. This is a MAJOR election! Huge in fact.


Why is this election so major,huge,critical, crucial and very important?

*****Because The United States Constitution vests all legislative powers of the federal government in the Congress.******

The powers of Congress are limited to those enumerated in the Constitution;
all other powers are reserved to the states and the people.

Through Acts of Congress,Congress may
  • regulate interstate and foreign commerce
  • levy taxes
  • organize the federal courts
  • maintain the military
  • declare war
  • exercise certain other "necessary and proper" powers.

So if the Democrates win the most seats, they can kill most of Presidents Bushs plans.

Democrats said the air felt like 1994, when fed-up voters rose up and cleared out the halls of Congress.

I feel the same way, majorty of americans are just so fed up. Its time for a change.

"The demand for change grows and grows and grows, and only the President in his bunker doesn't seem to realize it," said Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

I think President Bill Clinton said it best:

"They can't run anything right," said ex-President Bill Clinton, campaigning for Democrats and taunting Republicans about the war in Iraq and Hurricane Katrina.

Come on Democrats, bring us back on track.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, I just blogged about this, and unenthused I have been these past few months, politics-wise.

Fed up is right. But its really feeling like we are choosing between the lesser of the two evils. And I didn't feel like playing that game this time. Hence my silent (and equally unheard) protest. :(

Hopefully, I snap out of it before its too late. :S

10:30 PM  
Blogger 1234dsfs said...

Looks like you got your country back..

BTW, I don't expect much..

1:20 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...

im not sure what to expect really, im just so sick of republicans right now.

rumsfeld resigned.. maybe thats a sign.

the new senator for minnesota is the first black and first muslim senator of that state.
(**thats just an fyi, i dont know what he can do)

all we can do is wait and see.

2:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The guy who won in Minnesota is in the house of representatives, not the senate. Should be interesting though.

2:01 PM  

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