Saturday, March 25, 2006

Archives 1:

Going back to my roots. A picture post with a few facts on the side. enjoy.

Welcome to Damascus!!
The oldest living capital in the world.

Which gate would you like to enter?
because there are 8 (and maybe some more) ;)

The Eastern Gate (Bab Sharki)

It was named according to its location in the east side
of the city, it has three carved arcs.
The Muslim Warrior "Khaled Ben al-Waleed"
entered Damascus through this gate in the Rashedi Era.

Peace Gate (Bab Al-Salam)

Thomas Gate (Bab Tooma)

It is locacted in the north of Damascus.
It was named after a famous Old Roman Leader,
his name is Thomas.

The Paradise Gate (Bab Al-Faradees / Bab Al-Amara)

One of the northern gates;
it was named the paradise gate
in the Roman age because there
were plenty of water and gardens
which used to surround the gate.
The other name , Bab Al Amara,
refers to a name of a famous building
where people used to meet in the 14th century.

The Small Gate (Bab Al-Sgheer)

It is located in the southern side of the city.
It had this name because it was the smallest gate.
A graveyard was erected near this gate;
it holds some graves of
Companions of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH),
and some Umayyad caliphs.

Al-Faraj Gate (Al-Manakhliah)

It is situated in the northern side of the city.
It consists of a geminate gate which had two functions;
the first was economic
and the second was to mislead the enemies attacking the city.

Al-Jabieh Gate

It is situated in the west of the city
along the same line of the eastern gate,
and they both have a similar design.
It has this name because residents of the
Jabieh village used to pass through this gate.

and the last gate that once gave passage to Damascus would be....

The Victory Gate (Bab Al-Nasr)
It is at the beginning of souk Al-Hamideya, and was destroyed in the Ottoman Era.

I am posting these archives posts because im trying to motivate myself to go to Syria this summer, I haven't gone in a few years and I'd like to see it as it is, for you never know what the future may foretell.
and if I do go, im trying to figure out which gate to enter from :P
Wish me luck!

-thanks to


Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

oh LORRRDDDDDD!!!! Wonderful wonderful wonderful!!

I am soooooo "home sick". I lived near Bab Touma, actually In Qay Mariyyeh for a while, just behind jaami3 3amawi.

Been 3 years since I was there. You have to go. So much has changed in syria you wouldn't believe it. They finally have ATM machines so one doesn't have to go to Beirut to take out cash.

If you do decide to go, don't forget to visit Beit Jabri, it should be near bab sharki if I am not entirely mistaken, anyways it's in the old town. Sure you know about it already.

5:21 PM  
Blogger Arabized said...

thanks ss,

When I do go to Syria, I spend my time traveling to one historic place to the next, but im just dreading having to mix with the socialities of Syria. My god, they never stop! Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner and sahrat! or they stop by for some 'ahwey'. :/

For once I wish I could go without having to make apperances.

11:53 PM  
Blogger Arabized said...

hey ss,

ok you know how if you enter souk el hamadiyya, and there is masjid el ammawai, before you enter the masjid, to the left, you take the road and there is this area were residents speak farasi and there is masjid rouqiyyah..isnt it surreal back there? its like you stepped into a different world enirely.

man that syria is just rich in history and culture. its dreamy.

11:24 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

Wait. Wait.

Wasn't the plan to leave hubbies with kids and go?

and no socializing! ok?

Stupid Stat midterm.

11:42 PM  
Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Yeah I know what you mean Biz. I lived really close to Ruqaiyyah, barely five minutes walk. I should post my pics some day, hmm gotta get them scanned first.

The whole iranian thing is amazing over there. Sure is like stepping into another world. My hijab guy (shop keeper) was iranian and had the best hijabs in hamediya.

Seriously though, the whole social appearences factor is such a restriction factor. I might go this summer, you can hide where I stay!

4:08 AM  
Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

no no wait my favourite is zohouraat! flower tea lol

Still it was my own fault since I befriended every single antiques shop keeper in hamediya so I had to drink flower tea with everyone whenever I walked by!

But you gotta love syrian hospitality I mean seriously, been to Urdun wa Lebnaan, and it just isn't the same.

4:12 AM  
Blogger BuJ said...

very very very very very very nice! good work biz!

8:59 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...

ohh ss, the best hijabs are not in hamediya!!! tsk tsk!! I'm known for my awesome hijabs> you need to go to jaseer abyad (the white bridge) there they have really really nice hijabs, and if you ever go to homs, there is a lady named zora (originally polish, muslim revert) who makes beautiful hijabs but are really expensive, but when you see it you must buy it! truley stunning hijabs!!

10:23 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...

>>Wasn't the plan to leave hubbies with kids and go? <<

thats when i will give you the best tour of all syria, i've been nearly everywhere and know the history so i'll be the best damn tour guide! ;)

Thanks BUJ!

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


these pictures are liking stepping in a syrian mosalsal like the one we watched yesterday
they say:
ya mo (mama)
emshan allah
and some of them say 3emaime
and when you see them eating in the mosalsal u feel hungry!!!

am looking forward for the best tour in syria with a real syrian tour guide!!!
wain ele ahwe ya MJ & ARABIZED?

11:16 PM  
Blogger MJ said...

>>am looking forward for the best tour in syria with a real syrian tour guide!!!<<

No one invited you!

"Yamo Mshan Allah Bedee Ajawaz!'

11:32 PM  
Blogger Arabized said...

mj>> habla. can write your name
instead of trying to be 'anon'. habla.

thats the word for the day. habla.

12:22 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

Habla b3anich...

Omg. I'm going to die. I wrote more than 800 words, so much more in my report.

I was supposed to write a max of 450...

-shoots self-

2:02 AM  
Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Homs? really? tayyeb before I go I will def. contact you. details details.

Jisr el abyad? really? who would've thought. Bas 3anjad he has good hijabs, the one in hamediyyeh. rest of hamediyyeh is just blahh when it comes to hijabs, but not him.

4:11 AM  
Blogger Arab Lady said...

amazing picz...hope to visit such places one day,,just wanna know why arabs prefer going to EU rather than enjoying these wonderful places in our countries!!
shouldn't we help boosting the level of tourism and economy

12:37 PM  
Blogger Arabized said...

Thanks for your kind comment Arablady :)

arabs perfer going to EU because 1st-its totally different than the middle east.
2nd-better accomodations (hotels,transportation, etc)

they want to go in perfect ease without any feeling of discomfort,and most don't give much thought of the history and heritage of the middle east.

They only defend it to westerners,after they research it.

2:51 AM  

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