Height: 5’4
Color: They coined me as the "white" arab
Piercing: 2 per ear
Tattoos: none
Time Right Now: 5:13 AM (fajr)
Mood: Worried
Taste: Orange juice
Weather: light breeze
Bad habit: naps turning into long periods of sleeping
Current crush: goodness, i dont have the time
Biggest regret:... i have so many i cant really pinpoint which one is the biggest.
Perfume(s): Carolina
Thing I want to do: Study for my marketing midterm
TV show: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Book: Pride and Prejudice
Non alcoholic drink: Dr.Pepper
Milk drink: milk drink? chocolate milk?
Brand: (haha what?) Lacoste
Color: i love vibrant colors, i dont have a favorite.
Emblem: my favorite symbol? its too early to think
Perfume: Vera Wang
Designer: My friend, im too loyal ;)
Chocolate: reeses peanut buttercups
Have I Ever Broken the law: yes, many many times.
Misused credit card: Misused my fathers, but not mine ;)
Skipped school: HAHAH OF COURSE. what kind of question is that?
Fell asleep in the shower/bath: No, i dont have the tendancy to just fall asleep anywhere.
Had children: nope
Been in love: i plead the fifth.
Been hurt: of course.
Have a job: at the moment no :(
My CD player has what in it right now: Kanye West: Late Registration
If I were a crayon, the color: ooo crayons! I'd be purple or turquoise
What makes me happy: Spending time with friends and family.
When/What Was the Last time
I got a real letter: 2005 from one of my best friends
Got an email: 3 seconds ago
Thing I purchased: Cheese Haloum Sandwhich Starbucks
TV program I watched: my lord, i havent watched tv since the summer, umm does youtube or googlevideo count? Bill Clinton gets fox news.
Movie I saw in the theaters: Taladega Nights
Hugged: my daddy.
Place I was an hour ago: In bed sleeping.
Song heard: Impossible -Kanye west
Phone call: My close friend asking me to send her my notes for marketing.
Was depressed: during eid break
What Comes to Mind When I Hear
Car: audi
Murder: Passion killing
Cape: Abaya?
Cell: communication
Fun: in the sun
Shoes: Pumas
Crush: Highschool!! (and middle school)
Music: Buena Vista Social Club
Love: cheesecake.
Chalk: Ms.Jackson (she was my fourth grade teacher and was allergic to chalk)
i tag:
Mj, Ahmed,SS,and Dxb Nights