Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I've been tagged by Digital Nomad!

Height: 5’4
Color: They coined me as the "white" arab
Piercing: 2 per ear
Tattoos: none
Time Right Now: 5:13 AM (fajr)
Mood: Worried
Taste: Orange juice
Weather: light breeze
Bad habit: naps turning into long periods of sleeping
Current crush: goodness, i dont have the time
Biggest regret:... i have so many i cant really pinpoint which one is the biggest.
Perfume(s): Carolina
Thing I want to do: Study for my marketing midterm


TV show: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Book: Pride and Prejudice
Non alcoholic drink: Dr.Pepper
Milk drink: milk drink? chocolate milk?
Brand: (haha what?) Lacoste
Color: i love vibrant colors, i dont have a favorite.
Emblem: my favorite symbol? its too early to think
Perfume: Vera Wang
Designer: My friend, im too loyal ;)
Chocolate: reeses peanut buttercups
Have I Ever Broken the law: yes, many many times.
Misused credit card: Misused my fathers, but not mine ;)
Skipped school: HAHAH OF COURSE. what kind of question is that?
Fell asleep in the shower/bath: No, i dont have the tendancy to just fall asleep anywhere.
Had children: nope
Been in love: i plead the fifth.
Been hurt: of course.


Have a job: at the moment no :(
My CD player has what in it right now: Kanye West: Late Registration
If I were a crayon, the color: ooo crayons! I'd be purple or turquoise
What makes me happy: Spending time with friends and family.

When/What Was the Last time

I got a real letter: 2005 from one of my best friends
Got an email: 3 seconds ago
Thing I purchased: Cheese Haloum Sandwhich Starbucks
TV program I watched: my lord, i havent watched tv since the summer, umm does youtube or googlevideo count? Bill Clinton gets fox news.
Movie I saw in the theaters: Taladega Nights
Hugged: my daddy.
Place I was an hour ago: In bed sleeping.
Song heard: Impossible -Kanye west
Phone call: My close friend asking me to send her my notes for marketing.
Was depressed: during eid break

What Comes to Mind When I Hear

Car: audi
Murder: Passion killing
Cape: Abaya?
Cell: communication
Fun: in the sun
Shoes: Pumas
Crush: Highschool!! (and middle school)
Music: Buena Vista Social Club
Love: cheesecake.
Chalk: Ms.Jackson (she was my fourth grade teacher and was allergic to chalk)

i tag:
Mj, Ahmed,SS,and Dxb Nights

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Eid Mubarak :)

I hope your seyam, your prayers and your dua'as are accepted.

May you all have a blessed Eid

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Man I Admire

Here is Malcolm X

a hero to millions of people worldwide

talking at Oxford December 1964.

Malcolm X formally converted to Islam in 1964,

shortly before he was assassinated.


* a short video

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Must hear song

You CANT say that you lived in the UAE without knowing or have listened to this song:


A7eb el bur wal mazyooooooooooooooooooooooooon

hahah, greetings from al ain :)

*When I first moved here, all my emiraty friends made me listen to this. I will never forget this song.
Hold the Hookah/Sheesha/Argeilah

Researcher Warns Against Trendy Tobacco Use

The growing fad of smoking tobacco through a waterpipe,
sometimes known as a hookah,
is rapidly turning into a worrisome epidemic,
according to a Georgetown University researcher
who says smokers who think this form of tobacco use
is less toxic than cigarettes are wrong.

"People who use these devices don't realize that they
could be inhaling what is believed to be the equivalent
of a pack of cigarettes in one typical 30-60 minute session
with a waterpipe, because such a large quantity of pure,
shredded tobacco is used,"
said Christopher Loffredo, Ph.D.,
Director of the Cancer Genetics and
Epidemiology program at Georgetown University Medical Center.

and I just bought my brother 4 boxes of sheesha tobacco to send to him in china :/

Monday, October 16, 2006

Finally Al Ain has a Newspaper!


Who would have thought?

Israeli president lies low after rape claim

The Israeli president, Moshe Katsav, yesterday cancelled an appearance at the opening session of parliament as he faced mounting pressure over a police recommendation that he be charged with rape.

But Mr Katsav, 60, gave no suggestion that he intended to resign his post, despite the wave of criticism he faces.

Police on Sunday said that after months of investigations they had enough evidence to call for the president to be charged with rape and sexual assault as well as fraud, illegal wiretapping, bribery and obstruction of justice. Five women from his office have provided evidence against him, saying in some cases he forced them to have sex. A further five women made complaints of sexual harassment dating back several years.


here's the link to the full article.
** http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,,1923868,00.html
I got this in an email, and I could relate to a lot of it.


You Know You're an Expat Kid
in the Middle East When.....

1. You can't answer the question, "Where are you from?" (And when you do, you get into an elaborate conversation that gets everyone confused and/or makes you sound very spoiled.)
2. You flew before you could walk.
3. You have a passport, but no driver's license.
4. You think California is cold.
5. You watch National Geographic specials and recognize someone.
6. You run into someone you know at every airport.
7. Conversations with friends take place at 6:00 in the morning or 10:00 at night.
8. Your life story uses the phrase "Then we went to..." five times.
9. You can speak with authority about the quality of various international airlines.
10. You feel self conscious around all white people.
11. You get offended when someone turns down an offer for food.
12. You live at school and go home for vacation.
13. You treasure pork and root beer as highly-valued commodities.
14. You have ever had to wait for prayer call to be over to finish shopping.
15. You are fascinated by any wildlife bigger than a gecko.
16. You know the true meaning of "football." (and in your mind can hear the shout, "GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
17. You know that it truly is a small world.
18. You have ever gone to the "hammam" or endured a "shamal."
19. You get all the jokes in Aladdin.
20. Rain is still one of the most wonderful sounds in the world.
21. You haggle with the checkout clerk for a lower price.
22. Your wardrobe can only handle two seasons: hot and warm.
23. Your school memories include duck-and-cover drills.
24. You are used to being stared at.
25. You think VISA is a document stamped in your passport, and not a plastic card you carry in your wallet.
26. You call a chicken burrito a "shwarma."
27. Your dorm room/apartment/living room looks a little like a museum with all the "exotic" things you have around.
28. You've heard of or tried "hubbly bubbly."
29. You've woken up in the middle of the night to watch the Superbowl on cable.
30. You have sat in a "men's" or "women's" section in an airport, hospital, or restaurant.
31. You know the geography of the rest of the world, but you don't know the geography of your own country. (Isn't Philadelphia its own state?)
32. Your best friends are from 5 different countries.
33. You're spoiled. You know it. You're VERY spoiled.
34. You ask your roommate when the houseboy is scheduled to come clean.
35. You have never spent a summer with your friends from high school because you all go back to your home town/state/country June - August
36. Camping involves duning, getting stuck, and counting how many camels you saw.
37. A sports tournament involves flying to another country in the Middle East.
38. You remember when the first McDonalds in your country had its grand opening.
39. You got days off school for Christian and Muslim holidays.
40. You secretely wished the rulers of other Middle Eastern countries would die so that you got days off school.
41. Not being able to eat in public during the day during the holy month of Ramadan.
42. Traveling to the states required buying candy, CDs, and Abercrombie and Fitch clothing for your friends back overseas.
43. You are used to giving directions according to landmarks, not street names.
44. It's normal to wake up and have four or more Pakistani men fixing your AC.
45. You didn't know how to do your own laundry until you left for college.
46. How come the houses in America don't have servants quarters?
47. You are used to seeing Arabic commercials dubbed in British English about Lux soap, Carnation condensed milk and Dove shampoo.
48. Seeing police drive on the shoulder of the road and cut people is not unusual.
49. You understand that being addressed as "ma'am/sir" by Filipinos is not an insult.
50. You know someone is referring to Pepsi when they say "Bebzi".
51. Having a walled in, cement house is standard.
52. Ford Explorer sized cars seem small compared to Toyota Land Cruisers and Nissan Patrols