Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I haven't sat down and actually had such an intellectual discussion in such a long time.
Today after a long and tiring day, I decided to sit with my dad and just chill.

The things we talked about, the topics we discussed were so profound, I just wish I had recorded it. I feel like I haven't seen or spoken to my parents in months. When you are in university studying, you become so self-centered, you completely forget the outside world.

For example, my parents didn't know for months now I have been independtly studying arabic. Actually I don't think anybody knows this.
Lately, I have had this feeling that I am lacking certain skills that will not lead me to become succesful in life (socially and professionally). I can speak arabic (with my syrian accent), but I get incredibly shy. My words get jumbled up, even though i know them. I can read arabic, but it takes time because the structure is so different. I mean I understand what im reading, but just the reading aspect is frustrating. My god, how hard arabic is! When im reading the book, im concentrating so much and im trying to really focus to understand each word, by the time i finish the page i sometimes forget what was the whole point. Its driving me crazy! Seriously, talk about your brain hurting!

So when I told my parents that i have been working on this lately, they were shocked. They would always tell me i need to work on it, but i'd brush them off. I felt that I had to do it for myself, and i want to do it, and i dont want their help. I mean it sounds kinda mean or defensive, its just that i cant stand it when people saying things like 'OH YOU NEED TO READ ARABIC OR PRACTICE IT MORE'. that discourages me even more.

My father understood my dilemma right away. He gave me tips and just said that i need to take my time and just the more i practice it, the more i will get a hang of it. He reminded me of how i began reading in english when i was younger.

After that we had the most intresting discussion about arabic poetry. I love sitting with my dad, I swear he is mesmorizing. I can't get enough of the stories he tells me about the famous poets, and how their poems are so famous, and how everyone quotes them but they are wrong!

I will make a post about them soon, when i figure out the arabic keys on my laptop (since they arent shown).

I've learned so much arabic living here, but I am not satisified with what I know. Its just so frustrating!


Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Looking forward to that post. Sho ya3ni, exams finished?

Seriously though when it comes to learning classical arabic which is what you are doing I presume, the news on tv really are one of the best ways. And of course writing...write write write...then you are forced to use all skills. Write small essays. Write your diary in fussha...my teacher made me do that and it was quite helpful.

3:45 PM  
Blogger Arabized said...

wow, im not alone!

you realize arabic is important when you are away from your parents, but when you are around them you just really really dont want to learn it. :p

haha so annoying!

7:17 AM  

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