Friday, December 16, 2005

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

I look at the young muslim ummah in horror. I get this feeling every once in a while. I stop and look around and realize the piteous sight in front of me.
Is this really true? Am i seeing clearly?? How is it that the older generation, the 25+ have turned out ok, yet the younger generation is so corrupt? Is this progressive islam? If it is, by god, it should be stopped.

I'm in a dilema, do i ignore it and move on, and allow it to be a norm of society, where it becomes socially acceptable or do i speak out? Speaking out, these days its like talking to a mindless heap of garabage. A body mass but with no content inside. They grow up with superficial, materialistic ideals to void in the gaps that seem to be missing. They find comfort in improving themselves instead of accepting god's creation, or yet destroying god's creation. God made you wholesome and good, yet you are willing to throw it all away. For what? popularity? fitting in? looking cool?

sad. sad. sad. sad. pathetic.

Its all in your head. The shaytan is feeding it to you, and you are readily accepting the bullshit. the illusion.

the hypocriosy.

the pht muhammad(pbuh) once said ; 'choose your friends wisely, because you become your friends'

in a more crude way of saying this : you sleep with dogs, you get up with fleas.

what to do? Do we go hard on our kids? Do we put the fear of god into them? Or do we become moderate parents who let our kids make the choices for them. Yea that seems right, but that only works if you teach your children the right path, and to make them understand, you aren't living life for the dunya's sake, bas lal akhara.
There is an afterlife, and you will be judge.

tread carefully, for you are being WATCHED.


Blogger BuJ said...

This definately struck a chord with me. I think that people born roughly in the 1980s or later have basically lost the plot, they are just copying wannabees with no identity. However, this makes me think what do the older generation think of my generation? Do they think we lost the plot?

What does the older generation think of the new generation? How does that fit with our generation in the middle? Might they team against us? You know the classical story about how the grandfather and the grandson team up on the father.

All these questions floating in my head...


On a different topic, a friend and colleague at work here in the UK flew to the UAE for business last week. This guy is Italian and he's been to many countries but never to a Muslim country, so I was quite eager that he has a good impression of the UAE.

He only spent 3 days but commented about 2 things that struck him the most:

1- Why is Christmas celebrated so openly when the UAE is a Muslim country?

2- Why do Arab men walk so slowly with their noses up in the air?

2:22 PM  
Blogger Arabized said...

OMG! This has been the topic of discussion for the past week.

>>1- Why is Christmas celebrated so openly when the UAE is a Muslim country?<<

It has gone out of control! wallah, in dubai lately its insane!!! I mean i commented on it before national day, but now its full blown. They decorated for christmas more than they did for national day. National day was like, oh lets put up a few flags! I mean COME ON! Even Eid looks like maskhara these days.

A few years ago in abu dhabi in one of the malls they put up a huge christmas tree and it got everybody talking, but now...

Intresting about your friend, last night i got disturbing news from my brother who is working in china. He's saying that Dubai has a reputation (between the businessmen) and it aint a good one. He's like ITS A WELL KNOWN FACT. It made me soo mad.

>>2- Why do Arab men walk so slowly with their noses up in the air?<<

WOW! he saw an arab in dubai?!haha im kidding. I don't know. Maybe to show that HEY im ARAB in a place with not that many arabs are in? im reaching here. Its pride dude, pride.

8:54 PM  
Blogger MJ said...

There is a Christmas tree in more than 80% of the shops in mall of the emirates! and christmas music EVERYWHERE!!

They are celebrating christmas more than any other holiday, and why are they doing it? for business and money? @#$% them.

I don't even want to talk about Muslims these days. I mean early eighties childrens are ok, while the ones after them are not. Why is that? whose faults is it? is it the parents? the same parents who raises those, raise the others, so we can't blame them, or maybe we can say.

I just think everyone is their own person and you can't generalize, even between siblings but children who has older siblings are better than the one who doesn't. i'm not even sure, maybe.

9:45 PM  
Blogger Arabized said...

No i feel these days, parents are not instilling islamic values to their children.They send them off to school thinking they will learn all that they should learn at school. Thats total Bull s.

Have you seen the new islamic studies books?

What about the teachers who teach islamic studies class,they are not fit to teach it.

I remember in highschool the islamic studies teachers would take bribes from the girls and boys to pass letter (and other items) to each other. Its incredibly lame and pathetic but it happened. I mean how low can you go?

what about the islamic studies teacher that told my friend why is she wearing the hijab in 11th grade? She said she is too young to be wearing it, and to live her life. COME ON! With the pressure of the teacher and the girls at her school, she took it off.

(while in america, she wore it and her parents are religious)

its just so sad.

I know i shouldn't be mentioning this, but maybe i should. both islamic studies teachers were egyptian. coincidence?


10:50 PM  
Blogger moryarti said...

This Islamic Studies person you are talking about is an exception and is setting a bad example..

Early 2001 (till today), Egyptian youth went on a major shift toward the Islamic way of living - about 60 to 70% of AUC (American University in Cairo) girls placed Hijab on their heads - mosques were getting more packed with younger generations than before. And who could forget Amr Khaled? He was mesmerizing the nation with his words.

Since then, if you step back and take a broad look at various youth generations across the arab world? Egyptians (Muslims and Coptics) are actually the most religious by far.

Oh and just in case: I am not Egyptian btw :)

12:40 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...

I didn't mean to attack them or generalize in all egyptians are like that.i should have rephrased that.

I was stating in that many incidents (of similar consequence) resulted in the teachers having something in common.

I'd like to state that just because they are wearing the hijab doesn't mean they are actually respecting it. Wearing the hijab comes with a certain way of life or etiquette. (im not aiming this at egyptians)

foolish foolish girls.

You see the maskhara everywhere, there is a music video and this guy is singing to his girlfriend who ironically wears a hijab. excuse me? muslim's have boyfriends and girlfriends?

Oh can't say most religious by far, more like most fanatical by far.

1:09 AM  
Blogger moryarti said...

I know you weren't being on the offensive on them - i was sharing with you a bit of info about Egyptians that i know for a fact and out of experience. (i lived there for 5 years straight)

And you are right on the Hijab. But i am sure you will agree with me that neither you nor I can judge anyone based on wearing Hijab or not... What people do in and with their own personal lives is their own business and God will have his way with them..

أنا لي بالظاهر وما خفي فهو على الله

As for the video clip thing .. well..I can give you examples as much as you want, from every culture and nation - but we can't label all based on the actions of a few, can we? And don't forget there are over 70 million of those egyptians :o)

" مش كدة ولاّ إيه؟ "

In the style of Sh. Metwalli El She3rawi allah yer7amo..

1:32 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

70 million!! omg. that's is like how many times more than us? they can take over the UAE. *shivers in horror*

You can never generalize about people of a certain country, should give each person a chance. Some people have this idea about 'niqabi' women (women who cover their faces) that they are covering their faces because they don't want people to know who they are if they are doing 'bad things' BUT that doesn't mean that all of them does that EVEN if a group of them do. This is a simple example from our society.

Never generalize, not with Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians or whatever.

I don't know why I gave that example. :S

1:57 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...

Yea but what kind of image are the portraying to the youth by showing such a display?

Its all about the image and feeding to the minds of the youth this garbage.

they are showing that its OK and a NORM of society. Its is not!

2:00 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...

i mean if it was an incident on the street, fine, but brodcasting on TV! Millions of muslim viewers tuned in watching that display.

MJ im talking about
>>there is a music video and this guy is singing to his girlfriend who ironically wears a hijab. excuse me? muslim's have boyfriends and girlfriends? <<

2:03 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

>>there is a music video and this guy is singing to his girlfriend who ironically wears a hijab. excuse me? muslim's have boyfriends and girlfriends? <<

Yes, it is wrong and not what a Muslim should do. BUT it's a something from life. Women who are covered head to toe has boyfriends. :S

I do agree that it's not something that kids should watch especially if there no one to guide them.

and why are people smilin at us whenever they pass by?! :/

2:06 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...

because they are freaks. i need to leave. I'm so annoyed!!

-busts a cap-

2:08 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...

why wont they let me leaveeee???

bassstards. I mean they can see im agitated and i just want to leaveeeeeeee. damn meetings at random hours. AND IM HUNGRY.

why do i feel the weight of the world on my shoulders?

2:21 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

*drinks rasberry slush*

It would have been funny if we were leaving and were coming in for the meeting. AND WHY DON'T THEY TELL US ABOUT THESE MEETINGS EARLY?!!

2:30 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...

AND the meeting is in OUR office too. what the hell.

aslan they can't do anything without us and they know it. muhahaha.

that slush reminds me when we were freshmen. :p

2:42 AM  
Blogger BuJ said...

hmmmm i'm gonna order a packet of chill-pills :)

2:50 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

oh Ayam Zaman, Ayam Elshabab! Kbrena o 3ajazna we lesa ma etzawajna.

I went to all the restaurants and asked for 'diet pepsi in cans!' and these profs were looking at me weirdly. They didn't have any so I took the slush.

4:02 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...

send some over!!

4:12 AM  
Blogger Arabized said... word.. CHUB!

4:18 AM  
Blogger BuJ said...

>>> BuJ sends some over to Biz >>>

<<< BuJ watches in amusement as MJ is chubbed by Biz <<<

7:48 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

*slaps Biz and Buj*

10:15 AM  
Blogger BuJ said...

>>BuJ goes offline and misses the slap>>

10:24 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...

ok today was just crazy.


and i told you, your dad would like some of the sweets my parents got you guys, YOU JUST DON'T ASK!

lmao at my hijab being too tight, cutting off blood circulation and almost fainting at your house!!

11:38 AM  
Blogger MJ said...

I knew he is going to like it, but because he is not supposed to eat sweets after dinner, not good for your health. gosh.

11:40 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...

sorry sorry.

and BUJ i told you this would happen, it would start off serious then get down right silly. :/

11:55 AM  
Blogger BuJ said...

silly is different and different is good..

today i gave away some pills and i got a coke (on a different blog) and watched someone get chubbed...

so yes, i'd say that it's getting a bit silly :)

2:46 PM  
Blogger BuJ said...

silly is different and different is good..

today i gave away some pills and i got a coke (on a different blog) and watched someone get chubbed...

so yes, i'd say that it's getting a bit silly :)

2:46 PM  
Blogger Arabized said...


what is the professor going on and on about?

-drinks coffee-

NO WAY! a girl comes in 37 mins late, interrupts class, then her phone goes off and she has the odacity to ask the professor if she can answer it!

11:48 PM  
Blogger secretdubai said...

Do we put the fear of god into them? Or do we become moderate parents who let our kids make the choices for them.

Oh without doubt - the latter. How awful to raise children to fear rather than love and respect god.

Moral behaviour is meaningless if it is coerced or inspired through fear.

Parents should guide, especially by example, and they should reproach their children for certain kinds of behaviour (lying, theft, cruelty). But as children grow into maturity and want to make their own life choices, and personal moral choices (ie those that are not actually illegal in the countries they live in - such as alcohol, not murder) then a parent should advise, even encourage, but never force.

8:01 AM  
Blogger Arabized said...

secretdubai >
i couldn't agree with you more!

thanks for your comment.

12:34 PM  

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