Well i've been back for some time now, but its been a little crazy and hectic.
My life is getting back to normal, classes have started and im back in the game.
Im becoming a little more competitve and more driven.
I have a goal and im aiming for it. (inshallah bil iznallah i'll achieve it)
So inshallah i'll be posting more often.
Let me start off with something that happened to me at the MOE(mall of the emirates) a few days ago.
I decided to go with a few friends of mine to do some shopping before classes started. I first stop at starbucks at debenhems to get some coffee. Im enjoying my coffee and chatting to friends as im walking out of the store when the alarm goes off. What the heck? I didnt even look at anything in the store. The security lady comes to me and we open my purse to see if anything fell out. So im standing there, taking out my wallet, my cell phone, my ipod, my keys, my planner. There's nothing inside besides that. strange. I give the security lady my purse, and I walk out of the store again. Once again the alarms ring. Strange. We just shrug our shoulders and the security lady let me go. -sigh of relief-
Why are the alarms going off? The security lady said 'Maybe you have a lot of iron in your body, and its setting off the alarm' Seriously? No, I dont think that could be it. It must be something else. My friends and I discuss it as we head towards the luggage store. We go inside, and the alarms go off! I start laughing and I go to the employees of the store to speak to them. I ask them that for some reason the alarm goes off at everystore when I walk in and walk out.
My friends and I thought it would be a good idea if I stayed in the store to figure out why. The manager agreed, and so we began the search. My friend walked out with my purse first. The alarms didnt go off.
hmmm. Then its something im wearing. I take off my watch, and I walk out the store.
The alarm rings.
I take off my necklace and I walk out, and again the alarm rings.
I thought, maybe its my belt. So I go to the corner of the store and take off my belt.I come back and walk out of the store again. You guessed it, the alarms went off.
Now I cant stop laughing.
I take off my earrings and Im praying its my earrings. I walk out, and the alarms rinnnnnnng.
This is getting crazy.
My friends pointed out that I was wearing my new pumas. That made sense, it could be my shoes.
SO I take off my shoes. People outside the store are stoping and watching. They are like what the hell is going on? Everytime that girl walks out of the store, the alarms go off.
Now im in my socks, incredibly embarassed, and i walk out the store.
Maybe I do have too much iron in my body,( or blood). Still, it sounds ludacris.
I keep racking my brain, what could it be? why am i ringing?
i told the manager that im going to go to the bathroom and check all my clothes.
I go and i check and search and i didnt find anything strange or different.
I keep looking and looking and looking.
Ah ha! I found it. A little strange tag in the inside of my shirt. (all of my clothes were brand new).
I have never seen a tag like that before. The clerk at the store i got it from in the states must have forgot to take it off. I rip off the tag.
I hope this is what is making me ring.
I went back to the store, and I tried again.
I walked in and ... I DIDNT RING!
Hahah talk about an intense search. I got searched more than I do at airports.
I kept the tag for future practical joke use. ;)